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Available Online

Akashic Record Readings

Learn about your past life incarnations, remove energetic blocks, remember your unique soul gifts

45 min
130 U.S. dollars

Service Description

Embark on a transformative journey as we dive into your Akashic Records. This immersive experience is crafted to propel you forward in life, relationships and business aligning you with your highest intentions in the present moment. Within this sacred exploration, I channel energy and information from your Akashic Records for your highest good. We will work to transmute blocks or obstacles that are holding you back from creating the life, love and career you desire now. Book your session today to unveil the treasures of your past lives and soul gifts. Brace yourself for a profound encounter where belief patterns are not just recognized but reconfigured. This enlightening session unfolds seamlessly in the online realm through Zoom, offering you the opportunity to dive deep into the mysteries of your soul from the comfort of your own space.

Cancellation Policy

To Cancel & Reschedule Please Allow 24 Hours Notice

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